Electronnica Electronic Music Guide

Electro Progressive

Electro progressive is a fusion of progressive house and electro house.

Birth: 2003 Bloom: 2007

635 535 3:40 548 135 385 PR 4144 ▲
Electro Progressive

The style was formed in the early 00s due to musician`s experiments in both styles, some of them just got tired of pure progressive with the trance basis, others wanted to make their own electro house softer.

Also read: Progressive House, Progressive Trance

Umbrellate style: House

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Electro Progressive mixes

1 684 136:12 101 274 PR 65,7 ▲
Electro Progressive, Deep House
221 120:12 18 70 PR 24,8 ▲
Electro Progressive, Electro Techno
497 63:31   71 PR 2,5 ▲
Electro Progressive, Atmospheric Breaks
Electro Progressive mixes →

Electro Progressive tracks and remixes

1 028 4:54 66 137 PR 41,6 ▲
Electro Progressive, Electro Techno
320 2:26 5 115 PR 6,1 ▲
Electro Progressive, Dance Pop
76 7:34 2 17 PR 4,7 ▲
Electro Progressive, Trance

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