Tunning hall, Moscow, 11:00 // 4 December 2010
Main style: Trance
Favorite styles: Progressive House, Progressive Trance, Uplifting Trance
DJ, VJ, producer, promoter, group / joint project since 1998
Performance: from 200 000 rubles / 1.5 hours
Location: Russia, Moscow
Guest: '2' trouble (Zelenograd), Bell Pub (Zelenograd)
Please, register (it is quick!) or login to see contact information.

PPK, Liquinoid - Substance

Отдельным синглом вышел классический официальный ремикс на музыканта Liquinoid, записанный Александром Поляковым в 2003 году. На примере этой работы можно проследить как трансформировалась звуковая концепция ППК от года к году, при этом основными критериями всегда оставались мелодизм, драйв, ну и конечно, ощущение Космоса.

2 ▲
7 January 2025 10:40
1 comment

25 лет Воскрешению

Воскрешение 25 @ PPK
В этом году исполнилось 25 лет с того момента как Александр Поляков записал "Воскрешение". Это тот самый трек, который впоследствии стал настоящей космической оперой и гимном для всех мечтателей о космических далях. Спустя четверть века "Воскрешение" по-прежнему окружает себя старыми и новыми слушателями, вдохновляя и волнуя всех нас.

Иcтория создания "Воскрешения" уходит в 1996 год. Тогда в ходе экспериментов была записана первая версия будущего хита. С подачи ближайшего окружения и друзей Александра Полякова за этим треком закрепилось название "Гагарин". Это было за два года до появления проекта ППК. Тогда Александр называл себя псевдонимом «Acid Rain» («Кислотный дождь»). Основная работа над той версией, которая стала известна всему миру была сделана в феврале 1999 года. В апреле в студийную сессию были внесены незначительные изменения и финальные штрихи - сведение и мастеринг. Мелодия, которая звучит в "Воскрешении" всегда была рядом с Александром Поляковым, являясь фоном его детства, а потом и юности. Эта мелодия очень соответствовала духу всего космического, невероятного и захватывающего и вызывала очень сильные впечатления. Так уж сложилось, что она всегда ассоциировалась у Александра Полякова с фильмом «Укрощение огня». Возможно, так сработали детские яркие образы, которые наложили музыку Эдуарда Артемьева на кино драматургию Даниила Храбровицкого. Таким образом, уже при работе над треком Гагарин/Воскрешение возникла уверенность, что мелодия эта из того самого фильма, в котором переплетены прообразы Сергея Королёва и Юрия Гагарина. Автором музыки к фильму «Укрощение огня» является композитор Андрей Петров. Позже выяснилось, что автором мелодии, которая звучит в "Воскрешении" является Эдуард Артемьев, с которым состоялась встреча и было получено разрешение.

9 ▲
1 September 2024 9:06

PPK Live - Binary Beat

Видео с живого выступления PPK в клубе Порт 219 в Краснодаре на день космонавтики 12.04.2024

PPK - Binary Beat
Сл./Муз.: Александр Поляков
Синтезаторы: Александр Поляков
Гитара: Денис Ерин
Голос: Игорь Кокс
4 ▲
13 May 2024 8:46
no comments

Новый сингл PPK - Immersion

Встречайте новый релиз PPK - Immersion. Космический этнический прогрессив.

PPK - Immersion @ PPK

7 ▲
8 May 2024 17:37

Авторское право с Александром Поляковым

Интервью Александра Полякова музыкальному педагогу Risha Manis. Разговор посвящён авторскому праву, и всему тому, что с ним связано. Оставляйте свои вопросы. На самые актуальные и интересные мы ответим в отдельном видео.

3 ▲
15 April 2023 9:01


173 6:07 1  3 PR2,1 ▲

Новый материал ППК

362 6:16 2  PR8,3 ▲
Progressive House, Progressive Trance
1 220 7:35 5    PR16,1 ▲
Progressive House, Trance

PPK Production

1 375 3:41 1  PR6,9 ▲
Trance, Vocal House
790 3:50 1  PR3,3 ▲

Радио интервью

PPK Live @ Tunning Hall, 4 декабря 2010

248 5:58 2  217 PR11 ▲

Чувствуйте Неспать!!! (Extended Version)

1 797 7:26 2  416 PR16,3 ▲
Progressive House
2 090 4:26 2  500 PR20,2 ▲

Чувствуйте Неспать!!! /декабрь 1998/

1 331 3:08 3    PR11,9 ▲

Неспать.Терпеть Remixed/октябрь 1999/

Продюсерские релизы ППК/сборник "Будущие Звуки Ростова" vol.1, июль 1999/

1 102 4:18 3    PR11,9 ▲
Trance, Vocal Trance
693 4:11 2    PR8,7 ▲
Acid Breaks
1 439 5:49 2    PR10,9 ▲
Drum & Bass

Продюсерские релизы ППК/сборник "Будущие Звуки Ростова" vol.2, февраль 2000/

736 5:41 1    PR5,5 ▲
Hard House
627 6:11 1    PR2,4 ▲
Trance, Vocal Trance
572 3:43 1    PR6,1 ▲
Ambient Breaks
657 3:55 3    PR9,8 ▲
Progressive Trance, Hard House
653 4:24 4    PR5,4 ▲
600 5:31 1    PR5 ▲

Света - Любовь /май 1999/

870 5:19 3    PR2 ▲
Vocal House
692 3:33 1    PR1,8 ▲
Vocal House
909 4:22 1    PR3,4 ▲
Vocal House
1 206 4:27 2    PR4,1 ▲
Vocal House
563 4:30 2    PR2,2 ▲

Света - Что мне делать? /сингл, февраль 2001/

Света - Другая /альбом, ноябрь 2001/

1 863 3:41 2    PR6,1 ▲
Vocal House
1 489 4:46 1    PR1,4 ▲
Vocal Trance
794 6:52 1    PR1,3 ▲
Vocal Trance
2 421 3:40 3    PR2,2 ▲
Vocal Trance
1 372 4:44 4    PR0,9 ▲
Vocal Trance
698 6:02 2    PR1,1 ▲
Vocal Trance
899 4:16 2    PR0,1 ▲
Vocal Trance
1 289 5:17 3    PR1,2 ▲
Vocal Trance
829 4:05 1    PR2,5 ▲

Света /макси - сингл, август 2001/

Релизы в рамках сайта DAMCD1999декабрь1999/

1 856 3:27 6    PR30,4 ▲
1 346 5:41 1    PR2,7 ▲
Hard House
451 3:30      PR2,4 ▲
1 502 8:04 4    PR8,2 ▲
536 4:19      PR3,3 ▲
1 594 5:48 4    PR6,2 ▲
315 4:22      PR1,5 ▲
569 3:55      PR1,1 ▲
567 1:42      PR3,3 ▲
Trance, Chillout

Релизы в рамках сайта DAMCD2000апрель 2000/

192 5:45      PR1,2 ▲
496 3:56      PR0 ▲
Hard House
306 7:52      PR1,2 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance

ППК - /"21 Век - FORA" PROMOСDSINGLE, февраль 2000/

374 5:49 1    PR5,6 ▲
350 5:43 3    PR9,6 ▲
382 3:21 1    PR4,6 ▲
393 3:20 2    PR5,4 ▲

PPK - /промо сингл «PRAVDA. Sounds of New Russia (Promo CD,USA)», октябрь 2000/

510 5:54 3    PR9,4 ▲
584 5:46 2    PR2,4 ▲
Trance, Vocal Trance
1 044 8:08 3    PR8 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
1 565 8:02 11    PR45,6 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
753 6:41 2    PR7,2 ▲
550 4:18 3    PR7,4 ▲
1 027 4:22 4    PR2,6 ▲
Vocal House
980 5:41 1    PR11,7 ▲
Hard House, Progressive Trance

ППК - /сингл «Воскрешение / Hey DJ 2001 EP», февраль 2001

602 0:05 1    PR4,3 ▲

Роботы ППК, Василий Стрельников, Наташа, Сева - /Лох Это Судьба, октябрь 2001/

Роботы и Вера - /сингл Мне Нужен Ритм 2001, октябрь 2001/

ППК - /альбом Русский Транс:Формирование, май 2002/

538 5:55 2    PR7,4 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
31 031 8:57 74    PR347 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
775 9:28 3    PR7,4 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
543 5:27 3    PR9,7 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
867 10:22 5    PR10 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
723 5:13 2    PR7 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
823 3:28 5    PR9,9 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
558 4:05 3    PR6,1 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance

ППК - /сингл Перезагрузка, русская версия, сентябрь 2002/

2 286 9:39 6    PR26,8 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
1 527 8:44 2    PR11,4 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
767 7:43 1    PR4,6 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance

PPK - /cингл «ResuRection», март 2002/

709 3:17      PR8,9 ▲

Релизы на виниле

895 9:11 5    PR3,8 ▲
662 7:52 4    PR5,2 ▲
Progressive Trance

PPK Remix Production

614 3:32    PR4,2 ▲
Electro Progressive
496 7:47 1    PR2,2 ▲
Progressive House

Don' t Walk Away

457 9:25 4    PR3,7 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance


761 9:27 1    PR5,5 ▲
Progressive House


1 029 9:33 1    PR5,6 ▲
Progressive House


614 8:04 3    PR0 ▲
Electro Progressive
591 7:35 2    PR1,1 ▲
Electro Progressive
682 7:23 2    PR0,1 ▲
Electro Progressive


299 6:54 1    PR0,4 ▲
Progressive House

Эксклюзивные ремиксы на ППК

941 6:54    PR5,5 ▲
Trance, Psy Trance
1 056 6:42 1  PR2,3 ▲
Progressive Trance, Big Room House
2 171 5:55 1  PR3,6 ▲
Speed Garage
1 865 8:54    PR10,8 ▲
Breaks, Atmospheric Breaks
2 193 6:26 5  PR20,3 ▲
Progressive Breaks, Atmospheric Breaks
1 498 5:51      PR5,6 ▲
1 647 9:39 5  PR4,3 ▲

цифровой релиз "My Heart", 2009

521 10:07 2    PR3,4 ▲
Progressive House, Trance

My Heart 2010 (промо)

728 14:00 3    PR0,8 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance

My Heart remixes Competition 2010

Конкурс ремиксов

PPK ResuRection Legacy

1 635 7:01 1    PR2,5 ▲
Progressive Trance
1 493 8:26 1    PR2 ▲
Breaks, Atmospheric Breaks
1 349 7:31 1    PR1,7 ▲
Breaks, Atmospheric Breaks
1 462 7:40 3    PR13,2 ▲
Trance, Uplifting Trance
1 239 9:31 1    PR1,7 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
1 584 7:17 1    PR1,8 ▲
Breaks, Atmospheric Breaks

Арт превью нового альбома

1 643 0:31 2  PR3,1 ▲
Progressive House
1 272 0:33 6  PR2,3 ▲
Progressive House
1 402 0:33 3  PR1,8 ▲
1 382 0:34 3  PR0,8 ▲
Trance, Progressive House
1 414 1:10 3  PR1,9 ▲
Downtempo, Trance
1 460 1:18 4  PR2,9 ▲
1 548 0:41 3  PR1,8 ▲
771 3:36 3  33 PR4,9 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance

Legendary Russian producers PPK. PPK have shown to all world that Russia is capable to be a part of the world musical industry. Break PPK in 2001 with a single “Resurrection” and in 2002 with a single “Reload/Russian Trance” became the present victory of the Russian stylish electronic music. Thanks to success PPK, in Russia there were tens young interesting musicians which have believed that there is nothing impossible. - art is capable to punch walls-.

Sergey Pimenov and Alexander Polyakov have got acquainted in 1993 in Alexander Polyakov studio. It is possible to tell safely what exactly this meeting has decided the future destiny of the Russian electronic scene.

Sergey Pimenov at that point in time was already enough known DJ.Was the participant and the initiator of many actions collecting about 10000 people. Practically the first DJ in the south of Russia, started to do own radio the projects devoted to electronic music: "TechnoHouseCompilation", ”Mega Dance”, "PiratRadioCanNotSleepFm".

Alexander Polyakov – a professional sound-producer and the musician. One of the first in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don has started to experiment an electronic sound, having connected a synthesizer on midi c the computer. In 1993 to year has created the professional studio first in Rostov-on-Don for record of electronic music - "USTAS". In 1997 has begun work in studio of jazz musical school-centre of K.Nazaretov, Rostov-on-Don.

n spite of the fact that musicians were familiar for a long time, but the concept of own project was generated only by the end 1997 years. And in the beginning of 1998 the project has been created and has received name PPK. Besides Pimenov and Polyakov into structure PPK has entered also DJ Korzh. Owing to Roma Korzh some circumstances has left the project even before release of the first album "Feel Insomnia!!!", making conclusive loud local success in the south of Russia. From the beginning of 1999 PPK start to be a producer of the vocalist of Sveta. The debut album of Sveta "LOVE" which also becomes megapopular became result of this work.

Being engaged in own advancement, PPK do not forget and about young musicians Rostov region.17 July, 1999 producers PPK represent the collection "Future Sounds of Rostov"/part1/. In the end 1999years. Musicians the decision on moving to capital of Russia - Moscow was accepted. Before departure - on November, 27th 1999. PPK are a producer of the Internet rave first in Russia in the native city – Rostov-on-Don. Grandiose action has received the name "21 centuries - last a rave of a millenium". Festival translation in real time in a network the Internet For the first time has taken place. Simultaneously shows could look some thousand persons all over the world. Portal opening has been dated for this action Vyacheslav Ushich, in past VJ of Rostov channel "Don-TR" was engaged in video-tape editing of this project, the author of the program "NEOS". Also before departure has been let out at once three collections, representing young musicians - 21 centuries; 21 centuries 2; the Future sounds of Rostov 2.

Despite obvious successes any radio station, a record-company or mass media in Russia has not stated special interest that did PPK at that time... As means for advancement of the creativity musicians have chosen the Internet, as the most democratic and fast-growing information resource. In the end of 1998 the site has been created. In the beginning of 1999 PPK have laid out the first tracks on a site - Practically at once there was a considerable quantity of responses from foreign listeners, mass media and radio stations worldwide. It has given to musicians new forces and energy. Then for the first time foreign labels speak about occurrence of special style - Russian Trance.

Successes PPK in the Internet are simply stunning. In December, 1999 the track of "21 Centuries" for the first time has got on tops of general chart MP3.COM (the largest world musical resource containing music more of 100 000 artists), having reached 2 places. In the summer of 2000 the new track "I Have A Dream", based on Martin Luther King's historical speech, has reached again 2 places in summary chart MP3.COM. In the autumn 2000 next work PPK "Resurection" reaches for the first time treasured 1st place! One more club hit "Hey DJ" - 9 months on the first place in Hard House Chart! January, 2001 became the main success PPK, when the new version of a track "Hey DJ 2001" (trance mix) has won first place in the general charts MP3.COM, having overtaken thus the Madonna with songs "Music" and "Don't Tell Me". About this success have written almost all network mass media of Russia. In the middle of May, 2001 the next work «the Rhythm 2001» Is necessary again To me gets on the first place in the general chart advancing thus Offspring, Madonna, Faith Hill and REM. The Worldnet the Internet has allowed musicians to inform the creativity to a maximum quantity of people. More than 2 500 000 (two and a half one million:) downloadings of songs from an official site for a year!

In 2001 the known European musician and producer Paul Oakenfold starts to play the sets music PPK. In the different ends of a planet plays legendary and great "Resurection". In the summer of 2001 Oakenfold there comes to Moscow on festival Intervention 01.

Before the performance, on June, 29th, Paul Oakenfold gives a press conference in which frameworks defines position about the Russian music, in particular to music PPK. "It would be fair to tell that here music develops in Russia, I know group under name "PPK", and at them very charming sound, very much it is pleasant to me and in general it is pleasant that in this country there are people who can really bring the considerable contribution to musical culture ". During performance in Bitter Pol Oakenfold Moscow Park in 2001 for the first time has met with PPK and has received a copy of Revival which he has played in the set, having got of deafening support 20 of thousand crowd. It was the hit which it was impossible to doubt. He knew that the track should be let out on its own company Perfecto while someone has not made it before it. In 3 days Oakenfold offers PPK the contract with the company Perfecto records.26 November the European release of single "Resurrection" has taken place. After a week, on November, 3rd a plate "Resurrection" takes the third place National British the Single of the Charts based on real sales. Thus "Resurrection"  becomes successful release Perfecto records in 2001.

The composition "Resurrection" is a processing of a magnificent melody of Eduard Nikolaevich Artemyev - the chairman of Association of Electronic Musicians of Russia. The melody to a film "Sibiriada" has been awarded a prize the Golden Palm of the Cannes Festival as the best music to a film in 1979, and today became the present electronic hymn of all progressive Russian youth. PPK becomes the first Russian electronic project which has concluded the contract with the large international sound recording company. Certainly, it is success of all electronic music in Russia. It, really, new qualitative break of Russian music in the international musical space. With the example PPK  have inspired many Russian musicians for even more persistent work.

In October, 2001 composition PPK "Resurrection" is added in official A Sheet (the hottest rotation) largest state broadcasting company of Great Britain BBC Radio One! It is the first Russian trance - track on air of this radio station, and also the first track in A Sheet from catalogue Perfecto records for all history of work of the company! Thus PPK is the first Russian electronic Artist regularly sounding on waves of the state British radio station. Also the track is added in play sheets of radio of stations KISS FM, Ministry of Sound and still 11 regional British radio stations.

Video  clip created Nik3D in 2000 to year is added in play sheet MTV Dance and Kiss TV. Video "Resurrection" started on 6 positions in MTV UK Dance Floor Chart. In Russia PPK still remain the independent artist and operate own rights independently, through company PPK Management."Resurrection" has made the way in national charts of Great Britain in December, 2001, having made PPK sensation and the first artist of Russia for all times, the English charts which have got on tops and taken part in Top Of The Pops on BBC – the most popular entertaining show which goes on the air on Fridays here already more than 35 years. It became for PPK the beginning of distribution of own sounding worldwide. Certainly, sound PPK is a trance but it not simply trance is the Russian Trance as it has been named by magazine MixMag and as it is known now to all. The international success of a track - from Greece to Australia - has allowed PPK  to receive considerable and pleasant success and in Russia also. Single reprinting in March, 2002 and the album which has followed it of early works – “Russian trance: formation”, published in May, have considerably raised interest of mass media in Russia to electronic music as a whole. More than 200 000 copies - such is the objective characteristic of a recognition in the homeland.

In connection with huge world success PPK it is necessary to tell that Pimenov, became the most flying DJем in Russia. The geography of its performances could impress everybody - Holland, Finland, Greece, Great Britain, Cyprus, Ireland, Australia, Japan, ОАЕ and, of course, Ukraine and Russia. While Pimenov travelled about on the world, Polyakov worked in studio over new music PPK, continuing to confirm the sound through PPK Russian trance remixes.

Tillman Uhrmacher “On The Run”(Direction Records / Sony Music UK)

140 Bpm "I Love You"( PPK Russian trance mix)

Tea together "tender my"(PPK full vocal mix)

Tea together "tender my"(PPK radio mix)

Melodica - "Tornado"( PPK mix)

Liquinoid - "Substance"( PPK space club mix)

Marina Hlebnikova - "My grief"(PPK Russian trance club mix)

Marina Hlebnikova - "My grief"(PPK Russian trance radio mix)

Minimalistix - magic fly(PPK space club mix)

Minimalistix - magic fly(Radio Mix)

Bosson - A Little More Time(Polyakov Radio Edit)

Buldozer - Medicine(Polyakov mix)

The second single PPK «Reload / Russian Trance», let out PERFECTO Records in the end of September, 2002, started in National British Charts (UK Singles Chart) c 39 places and has flied up at once on 9 place UK Dance Charts! It already the second international hit PPK in UK TOP 40 after "Resurrection" in December, 2001. New track PPK – «Reload»,  is based on an original melody of Latvian composer Janis Lusens, the leader of group "ZODIAC".


In August, 2000 tracks ППК "Resurrection" and "Hey DJ!" Twist by radio KiKFM 91.5 city Darwin, Australia.

September, 20th, 2001 - ППК "Resurrection" in rotation on MINISTRY OF SOUND RADIO (London).

From the end of October, 2001 ППК "Resurrection" - the first clip of Russian group on MTV UK! With the sixth to the second position it is literally for two weeks in MTV UK Dance Floor Chart!

In the first of November, 2001 "Resurrection" it is added in плейлист KISS FM, London, England.

07 November, 2001 "Resurrection" became the best track of week - "Groove of the week" on GROOVERADIO.COM!

18 November, 2001 of Video  clip "Resurrection" has appeared in rotation on channels TMF and SKY TV.

12 November 2001 PPK safely for the first time have arrived to London. During same time the state radio station BBC Radio 1 plays PPK 4 times a day.

For the first week of January, 2002 PPK "Resurrection" on 6 place in "the Best 30 Dancing Tracks for all times" (Dance Anthems Top 30) on BBC Radio 1!

On September, 19th 2002 Video clip PPK "RELOAD" is added in play sheet MTV DANCE UK!


Since March, 2000 music PPK is presented on site REAL.COM!!! And European site - charts.

On October, 3rd, 2001 PPK "Resurrection" debuted in Cool Cuts Chart.

23 October 2001 "Resurrection" continues to rise in English charts - number 9 in UK CLUB CHART's!

In the end of October, 2001 PPK takes 1st place in TRANCE.CZ Top 40.

At the moment of January, 11th, 2002 PPK in the European charts


# 10 Top 40 chart

# 2 Dance chart

Germany - to be release 25th Feb

# 20 Deutsche Dance Charts- DDC (#37 last week)

# 60 German DJ Playlist- GDP (#82 last week)


#139 DJ Buzz chart - climbing for the last 4 weeks

#10 Top 40 - 7th week in Top 40 and still climbing

#4 Top 40 - peaked at #2

#1 Dance trends


#13 Scandinavia chart
#21 Sweden chart
#8 Finland dance chart

Already on January, 21st, 2002 PPK "Resurrection" on 2nd place in summary European chart EUROPEAN TOP 100 DANCE TRAXX!

On August, 29th 2002 "Reload" takes the first height! Number 16 in Cool Cuts UK!!!


In May, 2002 ceremony of delivery of awards the RECORD for the best achievements in the field of a sound recording in Russia in 2001 has taken place. PPK were applicants in a nomination the Single of Year in which have been declared with the single "Resurrection".

On June, 01st 2002 PPK are nominated on DanceStar 2002 World Dance Music Awards UK as Best Trance Act! It is the first nomination of Russian musicians in such dear award!

On August, 12th 2002 PPK have been again nominated for the award. This time as "the Best Single of Year" in Muzik Mag Dance Awards magazine Muzik.Takzhe in this nomination - Fischerspooner ' Emerge ', Shy FX, T Power and Diane ' Shake Ur Body, Underworld ' Two Months Off "and X-Press 2 feat. David Byrne ' Lazy '. Delivery ceremony on Has taken place 15 th of October in Hammersmith Po Na Na in the Western London.

Modern History

In the beginning of 2004 there has come a turning-point which likely should come. So happens... So has coincided... Everyone has gone the own way, which has believed, which has seen.Separately pursued the aims in which saw meaning. Uplifto, iRecords, Station 2.0, iRGIG - the sensations embodied in a reality... The Artefacts made within seven years which it is necessary to adhere, continuing a way. And the way will be continued... To Doubt it it is silly. It is possible to name the beginning of 2000th years on a miscellaneous - on a joint of centuries, in crossing of coordinates. Definitions as a matter of fact not so are important. Those feelings, thoughts and emotions with which there live people in due time are important. And important that main thing that beautiful, kind, prompt was born in these feelings. Music was born in them. It excited, bewitched, blowing up consciousness. Gave genuine emotions, winning hearts, covering continents. Time went, has passed seven years. Not seven weeks, not seven days... Seven years... TIME...

Time is in the habit not to stop and not to be late in one point on the never-ending way. Made in the past doesn't remain behind in literal sense of words. Remained in space and memory, it was generated in the improbable power force, inducing to go further, despite of everything. The past for the Future.

But, anyhow - Time, not capable to stand in each separate point in a reality, plays into the hands of us, without suspecting about it. Time is cyclic, time runs on a spiral. Second after a second. Coming back in a new kind and quality in a reference point. Modern history readout. Seven years have passed, but who has noticed them? Perhaps they also weren't at all. Not important it. Important that the history proceeds also its end isn't visible)

After almost 13 years in project structure the Roman Korzhov comes back!

Pinned comments
amazingly  8 January 2016 18:55
с днем рождения !! желаю здоровья, счастья и успехов во всем ! я вас люблю и ценю !
певица Света  13 September 2011 0:01
PPK Forever!!! :-)
AIRFORM  28 November 2010 20:45
Здравствуйте ППК! Спасибо Вам ребят, огромное спасибо! Ваша музыка вдохновляла меня в прошлом, и, подтолкнула на жизнь, связанную с музыкой! Вот за это, я вам очень благодарен. Спасибо, что вы были и спасибо, что вы есть!
Ура, Ура, Ура!
Здравствуйте ребята из ППК, прошу скиньте пожалуйста минус оригинала светы "так больше нельзя" , так мне эта мелодия в куплетах нравится!
Спасибо, вы оч любезны ппк
Классные работы! Моя поддержка))) успехов в творчестве и личного счастья!!!
Удачи и успехов Вам в творчестве ребята!) PR+
Да... Были времена...
Спасибо вам за отличную атмосферу +++++
да-да ротация на DFM Воскрешение много лет ...и многие другие треки . Класс !!!
+++RESPECT +++
С днём рожденияяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяя+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ребята,спасибо вам за ваше творчество и ваши эфиры на радио!Если бы не вы,я бы наверное совсем другим увлекался! Ростов Рулит!!!
Светлая память Роману Коржову. Спасибо ему за всё.
Мои соболезнования.
с днем рождения !! желаю здоровья, счастья и успехов во всем ! я вас люблю и ценю !
Мои поздравления легеде! )
С днём рождения кумиры!!!
Спасибо Вам за мое танцевальное детство!!!))
Мой почёт и уважение)
Александр, здравствуйте! Во-первых, хочу сказать, что вы молодец! :) Но главное,что хочется спросить: когда планируете выпуск нового альбома, превью которого есть выше? Заранее спасибо !!!)
крутые ребята, вырос на их творчестве! респект!
Ваши работы это то на чём я вырос! Респект вам
Ух ребята - неожидал Вас найти тут! Очень уважаю Ваше творчество! + PR - го в други ))
Привет! У тебя очень качественный саунд! Буду рад видеть в друзьях и плюсую в общий!
блин мужики, привет, я ваши треки с кассеты на кассету переписывал, слушал до "дыр", перематывал карандашом и опять слушал, молодцы!!! треки Светы - это ваааще улет, все альбомы есть и тож переслушиваю в машине и дома, респект как грится и уважуха, не теряйтесь и продолжайте ваше творчество...заходите ко мне на страничку - покритикуйте)))+++++
не знаю, смотрите ли вы фидбэки, но напишу... помнится в далеком детстве играл в игру той коммандер, там саундтрек трансовый. весь тырнэт обгуглил в поисках треклиста и единственную подсказку нашел на сайте ... авторство работ стоит ваше, это правда? Пожалуйста, подтвердите или опровергните это утверждение.Мне ну очень нужен этот саундтрек в высоком качестве (скачать в мп3 не проблема, но я предпочитаю платить за то что достойно моего внимания). Ответьте пож-та вличку, потому что фидбэк обновляется, надо думать с бешеной скоростью и каждый день (да равно как и у вас, наверное) нет времени читать. Если есть варианты пересылки (надо думать, что дисков то у вас нет, но исходники, подозреваю должны быть, если вы их не почикали) по тырнету или на физическом носители, я бы хотел обговорить варианты оплаты. Пож-та не оставляйте мой пост без ответа, а то будет ризон думать, что вы его не прочитали или продинамили, а вы ведь внимательны к своим фанатам ))
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