Friends: FONAREV DJ Feel DJ Ratek | TheOne BOBINA DJ JIM (Evgeny Glotikov) DJ KOLYA FUNK No Hopes DJ TARANTINO BOYKO DJ Stranger Инфинити #RAKURS Alex NEGNIY DJ DIMIXER Sergey Flash (DJ Flash) Lavrushkin DJ Stretch 4DJS R-Tem DJ SAVIN Vladimir Skorotsky Omnia ONEON Pasha Shock Clubmasters Records Александр Поляков JACOBSON M.J. Саша Зверева DJ Igos (эleкtro бomбa) Jenia White aka Lakosta all
Idols: FONAREV Anton Pavlovsky DJ RAMIREZ DJ Groove DJ KOLYA FUNK No Hopes DJ TARANTINO BOYKO DJ Stranger #RAKURS Smash Lavrushkin 4DJS R-Tem Omnia ANDI VAX Andy Stock Electron Project Sender Open Gate Ататат Paul Oakenfold Sergey Levashov MOT!V Merida One (Alex Miller) Dj Sparrow
Fans: J-Factory 13th Warrior Alice Boogie (джинглы, дикторы, аудиореклама) "RedRive" - в поисках лучшего trutnev Promo Ring (Продвижение Музыки) Udaw OXYNE [Redrive] (Шапки, брендирование, дизайн, логотипы) Nykolaz Юлечка Шевчук Юрий Локтионов P@nd04k@
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Weisse (Vitaly Bely) - Creator of the festival "Gravitation", Director of the event "HQ Events", Sound producer, DJ.
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Weisse - Ukrainian DJ, musician, event manager, art director. The creator and organizer of the festival of electronic music "Gravitation" (UA, Dnepr, 2017).
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He currently works with the PR-agency. Cheerful and helpful, kind and positive ... what else to say :)
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