Friends: FONAREV DJ Peretse BOBINA DJ JIM (Evgeny Glotikov) SVET MISHA KLEIN DJ FAVORITE Alexey Sonar DJ Kefir ALEXEY ROMEO Johnny Beast SERGEY RIGA DJ СЕРГЕЙ РИГА саксофонист SYNTHETICSAX DJ Solovey DJ BAUR Ivan Spell GVOZD Иван Рудык (Ivan Roudyk) Moonbeam DJ ЦВЕТКОFF DJ KOLYA FUNK Roma Pafos Sunless Slider & Magnit DJ KOLYA МС ЖАН Filatov & Karas DJ Alex Mega No Hopes DJ TARANTINO all
Fans: J-Factory 13th Warrior DJ Adoris Alice Boogie (джинглы, дикторы, аудиореклама) Елена Аверина Trance Century Radio Dj SANYA SM Сведение и Мастеринг Онлайн trutnev Phill Loud Beats By De FROiZ nK (Nicolas Köroll) Argentina Vadim Orel DJSANTI(MOSCOW) Ваш верный слушатель Артём Igor' Blast Opalmuzic DJ Vladimir Matveev DJ Shus ( Neruyngri ) DJ Valery Tsarev DJ OLD JD SHOW DJ JASPER Dj-Onion Dj RomaBest Dj Sergo DJ Makeenko Dj Raimond69 FOMA DJ ALEX SMIkY all
Resident radio Capital FM and presenter of two radio shows - Adamov LIVE and Gets Bit, is the founder and owner of Music label, Ice Records. Sound producer, radio host, Author of numerous remixes and mashup contest
To date, the resident in the best clubs of Moscow .
Today is #5 in top (Showbiza.COM), is TOP100 best DJs (PROMODJ, Bananastreet).
By the end of 2015, Vadim became one of the most gastroliruet DJs, and in 2016 every Friday and Saturday he performs as a special guest in the most notorious institutions of Russia and CIS.
Author and producer of hundreds of remixes of foreign and local artists, author's tracks and mashup contest,
His tracks are constantly broadcast by Major radio Stations in Europe, Russia and CIS, and work in the Studio with the most outstanding artists of the Russian platform and the cooperation with leading producers ' centers does not stop for one day.
Official work with famous bands and artists: Ivan Dorn, Silver, Nyusha, singer Sati Kazanova, Tati, Max Barskih, Time and Glass, Timothy, Alexei Vorobyov, My Michelle, Natan, Artik & Asti, Egor Krid, Viagra, geegun, Disco Crash and many others.
Tour schedule Vadim is one of the most intense among all Russian DJs. Night clubs, lounge - bars and restaurants, corporate events of major companies - Vadim Adamov in demand all over Russia on weekdays and weekends.
In total more than hundreds of cities and dozens of countries, about 150 clubs, thousands of fans, thousands of miles of touring for the year!
Remixes Vadim Adamov with видеорядомwww.youtube.com/channel/UCvx7U…
Other mixes, tracks, remixes, mash апыpromodj.com/VadimAdamov
Page on the website PromoDJpromodj.com/vadimadamov
Page on the website BananaStreetbananastreet.EN/VadimAdamov
Page on the website ShowBizashowbiza.com/vadimadamov
8 966-119-88-00 irsenkoroleva@mail.ruhttp:vk.com/korolewa22
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