Birgit Fienemann
Main style: Uplifting Trance
Favorite styles: Melodic Trance, Tech Trance, Trance, Vocal Trance
DJ, radioshow since 2009
Performance: from $250 / 2 hours
Location: Netherlands
Resident: Discover Trance Radio  (Telford), RauteMusik.FM/Trance (Aachen)
Guest: Nature One (Kastellaun), Studio21 (Saarbrücken), RauteMusik.FM/Trance (Bonn), Kazantip Portugal (Cape St. Vincent), RauteMusik.FM Trance (Bonn), RauteMusik.FM/Trance (Bonn)
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All my colours, all my scars....expressed in music 

its great to have you back...missed you!!
Приношу свои извинения за "Эйфорические авиалинии" на 5.4. Видимо, что-то не так с оборудованием, и результат был просто ужасный! Я взял эпизод прямо в автономном режиме и уничтожил его. Никогда не публикуйте то, чего раньше не слушали! :)

Много приветствий из Бонна от Бигги Финемана, он же "Female@Work".

I have to apologize for the "Euphoric Airlines" from 5.4. Apparently there was something wrong with the equipment and the result was just terrible! I took the episode directly offline and destroyed it. You should never publish something you haven't listened to before! :)

Many greetings from Bonn from Biggi Fienemann aka "Female@Work
Русский перевод тебе в помощь))) А работы на +++++++++
your sets continue to amaze me... you are the BEST...
keep on Trancing
I love your mixes so much!! You are literally #1 :-D And you have a podcast feed here now! OH MY GOODNESS I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER
Tim, hi! :)

Great, that you found the way to PromoDJ - I think, this is one of the best pages for artists to publish their work! And one thing is for sure - the audiences here are way more receptive for the music than on hearthis...and this adds (logically) more fun for the DJs :)

I'm happy that you are here now and I appreciate your comment A LOT! Thank you!

Best wishes, Biggi
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