When everything in the universe merges into one…I like it most of all ProgressiveCity. Until the middle of 2023, he performed in the world as DJ Gintar.
Больше всего нравится ProgressiveCity ,Havaloff or just Havaloff in any search engine. And foreign resources will provide you with the materials of my early works. Thank you all for your attention.I would like to send greetings to all listeners of Russian cities, as well as the USA, Ashburn,Finland, Helsinki;Kazakhstan, Stepnogorsk;Great Britain, Warwick; Romania, Bucharest; USA, Shawnee; USA, Ashburn; USA, San Diego; Uzbekistan, Tashkent; Great Britain, Bolton; USA, Palm Harbor; USA, Darien; Maldives, Stanley; Kazakhstan, Karaganda; Canada, Vancouver; Belarus, Minsk; Poland, Lublin; Ukraine, Kiev;Lithuania, Vilnius...It's a pity, our comrades from China have not been seen for a long time. Perhaps the broadcast of this resource has been banned in China.