music is not what it used to be. sad sad sad. 
Music / Конкурсные ремиксы
Sensorica - Masta Of Sound (Labrut remix)  PR 3,1 ▲    
Format: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 514
Downloads: 1
Bookmarks: 1
Styles: Chiptune
Contest: Sensorica - Masta of Sound
Duration: 4:25
BPM: 145
Size: 10.1Mb
Recording: 10 February 2010
Publication: 11 February 2010 10:20

In AD 2101 war was beginning...

Move every Zig...



0:00 - Intro Cutscene

0:13 - Stage 1.1: The Streets

0:39 - Stage 1.2: The Elevator

1:07 - Stage 1 Boss: The Elevator Monster

1:38 - Stage 2.1: The Roof

2:06 - Stage 2.2: The Airwalk

3:01 - Stage 2 Boss: The Ultimate Fiery Superbeast from Mars

3:44 - Bonus Stage: Inside the Superbeast


Thank you for playing. All your beat are belong to us.


Pinned comment
Crazy elefant  13 January 2012 22:21
Срань! Ебанутая
Срань! Ебанутая
Вот это крутотень Дима
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