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Music / "Plazmatica"
Radio show "Plazmatica" - 31.01.2012  PR 8,2 ▲      
Broadcast on PromoDJ FM since 23 December 2012
Download: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 435
Downloads: 220
Bookmarks: 1
Styles: Psy Trance
Duration: 118:59
Size: 272.3Mb
Recording: 31 January 2012
Publication: 1 February 2012 15:20

Was recorded during Radio show "Plazmatica" (31 January 2012), Пионер FM.
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Ровно в 22-00

На Пионер FM (94.0FM)

Радио шоу "Plazmatica"

Ведущие: Андрей SOM и Виталий Checkist

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3 888 74:03 5 1 419 PR 61,9 ▲
Psy Trance