Central Stadium, Gori, 19:54 // 17 October 2009
Minimal Techno
Tbilisi Vakanda, Tbilisi, 00:14 // 10 July 2009
Minimal Techno
T2, Kiev, 00:00 // 1 January 2009
Disco House
Club T2, Kiev, 21:00 // 14 September 2008
Otto Candela
Main style: Minimal Techno
Favorite styles: Electro, House, Progressive House, Progressive Trance, Tech House, Techno, Trance
DJ, producer, Listener since 2004
Performance: from $100 / 1.5 hours
Location: Ukraine, Kiev
Resident: Club T2 (Kiev)
Guest: Tunnel (Tbilisi), Club Tiflis (Tbilisi), Club Neo (Tbilisi), Club Fashion (Tbilisi), Two Side (Tbilisi)
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