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My heavy eyes


Это стихотворение является англоязычной версией стиха "Слипаются глаза".

Выражаю благодарность Dinochka за помощь в написании стихотворения.


My eyes are weary more than ever,

It came to me like broken weather:

And seemingly this state does not make me depressed,

But there is a spleen, with which I am obsessed.


I want to be a teacher because I love to teach.

I want to give my lectures, I want someone to preach.

I want to correct my mistakes, I want to turn back time.

I want to do a lot of things I’d never dare to try.


My life will be remade, and it will be divine:

I can to fall in love and revenge just in time.

I will kill all the enemies, I'll humiliate them all.

But I apologize for them, their souls will be recalled.


I wonder: Is it natural to want all what we see,

To make all good and evil things to understand what should we be?

Is there a need to have a spree in young and middle age?

Or need to keep the peace of mind at any vital stage?


From bitter experience, I give you advice:

Don't think of yourself up to tears from your eyes.

You ought not to put your heart on the shelf.

And you can show a model, you can prepare yourself.


Maybe you will be in heaven,

Maybe you will be in hell.

If you can prevent a dangerous event,

Then everything will turn out well.

Have you really found yourself? It's excellent! Come on!

Don't lose it and your life will always go on!

In fact, if you lose it, it will not come back.

Remember: where there's slack, there's always be a lack!


Don't push your love away if it's not too late.

My eyes are getting heavy. I have no more strength.

But you must take away the scales from your eyes.

And may all your dreams be realized.

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25 March 2011 15:52
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