BlogTags → Super Mutant

Акапелки из фаллаутов:) [На аглийском,но довольно крутые]

Вот решил на прому запилить пару паков с акапеллами из Fallout 2 и Fallout 3.Думаю кому-нибудь да пригодится;)

Liberty Prime Fallout 3

Frank Horrigan Fallout 2

Акапеллы находятся в Zip архивах;)

Что говорит Либерти:

"I die, so that democracy may... live... "

"Chairman Cheng will fail: China will fall! "

"Communism is the very definition of failure!"

"Democracy is non-negotiable."

"Tactical assessment: Red Chinese victory... impossible."

"Warning! Forceable impact alert. Scanning for Chinese artillery."

Что говорит Френк:

"You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die."

"We just did. Time for talking's over."

"Making our reactor melt-down means things are going to be pretty hot in here soon. Pity you won't live long enough to see it. You're not a hero, you're just a walking corpse."

"Me, Frank Horrigan, that's who. United States Secret Service. You aren't going anywhere from here."

"You mutant scum! Just like you to try a trick like that. It won't help you though, nothing will... now."

You (cough), you haven't won here. You and your mutie-bastard friends are gonna join me in a big ol' mushroom cloud sendoff. I just triggered the self-destruct. (Heh, heh; cough, cough,...) The work will go on. You didn't do nothing here, 'cept seal your own death warrants. Duty, (cough) honor... courage... Semper Fiiiii........"

Спасибо за внимание;)

В конце - концов можно опставить на рингтон;)

PS:Могу ещё из Фаллаута залить.

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5 October 2011 14:21