My Name Is Harugawa Yukina 
Dreams  PR 1,1 ▲      
Download: MP3, 129 Kbit
Listens: 66
Downloads: 43
Styles: Instrumental, Soul
Duration: 2:09
BPM: 120
Size: 2Mb
Recording: 27 August 2024
Publication: 25 February 2025 21:12
My first original melody.
The word "Dreams" has two meanings. It's a song
about sleeping dreaming in Nigth , not about dreams anything else.
It's funny that in all these my years I've only dreamed 2 times. I don't see them the rest of the time. So, this is the vision of my dream expressed in the words of other people.
Also, the melody itself started playing in my head, and I transferred it.
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