Michael Ghalchi
Location: United States, New York

The effect different genres of music can have on your mind

The effect different genres of music can have on your mind

Music occupies an important role in my life.)))))))))

When we only listen to one type of music or swear off a genre entirely, we miss out.

Every genre has its benefits, and we can make the most of them by mixing up our playlists every once in awhile. Not only does it allow us to encounter new favorites, but our physical and psychological health and well-being may be positively affected too.

A really good reason to listen to jazz: It may relax you from the brain down.

A really good reason to listen to metal: It may be good for your sense of self.

A really good reason to listen to classical music: It may deter or prevent crime.

A really good reason to listen to rap: It may help in the fight against depression.

A really good reason to listen to pop music: It may give you an extra boost of endurance during your workout.

A really good reason to listen to country music: It might bring you joy.

So next time you turn on some music, don't be afraid to try something new.

Whether it's a genre you swore off years ago in the wake of a tragedy or just something you've never quite understood, it may be worth taking a second look. Your summer jams playlist (and maybe your mind, body, and community) will thank you.

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19 May 2017 16:33
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