
Senses Volume 1 (ES2 Soundset by Insight) Купить-продать

Discover the beauty and power of Logic's ES2 synth : this ES2 Soundset crafted by trance producer Insight (Nick Sazonov) showcases an array of exciting sounds for modern Trance & EDM production. The patches cover a wide range of sounds, from groovy trance basses to plucks, and from lush pads to smooth FX uplifters and downlifters. This is result of over a year of programming and hard work, and contains both replications of sounds from well-known tracks and unique new sounds for your inspiration.

Along with the soundset, we have included the complete demo project for Logic Pro 9, including all the presets, MIDI data and additional FX & sounds heard in the audio demo below.

Features :

  • 128 Presets for Logic's ES2 synth
  • Full Demo project for Logic Pro 9 (showcasing presets as heard & seen in the teaser video above)
  • Bonus samples included (drums from the demo)
  • Presets organized into categories

Contents :

  • 35 Basses
  • 16 FXs
  • 8 Keys
  • 27 Leads
  • 12 Pads
  • 22 Plucks
  • 8 Seqs

In order to use the presets and open the demo project, you will need :

  • Logic Pro v9.1.7 or higher

Reviews :

This is an amazing soundset, all presets are usable and current, and I have featured a few in my recent productions. If you are a fan of trance and the es2, this soundset is essential !

Sneijder (Armada, Vandit, Black Hole Recordings)

ES2 was actually one of the many reasons I made the transition from Cubase to Logic, and this soundset captures exactly why this synth is right up there with any other AU out there. Clean, crisp and powerful, sharp yet smooth, this pack shows just how undeniably versatile the ES2 is with everything from warm bubbling pads, cool FX all the way to razor-precise leads. A must have!

Mark Eteson (Anjunabeats, Vandit, Garuda)

Myloops Senses for the ES2 is an essential part of my productions. The sounds are a great foundation for tweaking and making rich sounds for your tracks!

Tom Colontonio (Vandit, Armada, Discover)

I really like these sounds, some real Trance essentials here.

Menno De Jong (Intuition Recordings, Enhanced)

wow,this is a nice package of very useful ready to use patches which are working great in any productions. this makes me want to use my ES2 again. it's also a great idea especially for the up and coming producer and talents to have this logic project file to show how to use the patches as a good example. well done and i look forward to receive more sounds

Roger Shah (Armada, Magic Island Music)

Nice, it seems there are some new players in town when it comes to well crafted sound design. I have been a Logic Pro user for over 12 years now, and the ES2 is an essential soft synth in most of my works.
This soundset is well done, very detailed & perfect for getting your Trance track straight ! 9/10

M.I.K.E. (Armada, Anjunabeats, Garuda)

hard pop
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27 September 2013 8:27

Apple MacBook Pro 13" i5 2.3 ггц, 4 гб, 320 гб HDD Купить-продать

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12 September 2012 22:17
Dj Spike ♂
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18 December 2011 14:53
Алексей Муравьев (Alexey Muravyev)
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3 March 2011 14:13
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