Friends: Моди Глю DJ Stranger Alex NEGNIY Mister E Double V Hot Uncle T ONEON Юля Орешко DJ Erika PAVEL SHCHUKIN Dima Cramix J-Factory TechBalancePromo M-DimA Денис Жирков и Никита Соболев [DZ studio] Alex Chaklin-76 Alice Boogie (джинглы, дикторы, аудиореклама) DJ VEDENYA DJ Mixbeat Promo Trance Century Radio RHM Project Maxim Keks DJ TOLYAN (OLIMPIK) Dj-BeaR-51 Dj LEXUS L3R Deeppravda nK (Nicolas Köroll) Argentina DJ Геннадий SEDOFF Michael ShwarZ Анна Калашникова Pavel Timonin Olga Barey all
Fans: J-Factory Mix Gerder Alice Boogie (джинглы, дикторы, аудиореклама) Trance Century Radio SHUMSKIY trutnev nK (Nicolas Köroll) Argentina Promo Ring (Продвижение Музыки) DEMY CHRIS Minimal Design (логотипы, обложки, оформление PromoDJ) Николай Ватутин nassedych Игорь Александров Евгений Алексеев
Dj from Estonia, I have begun to be fond of music 2013. I studied DJ yourself. Half year studied on the program, after that there was a desire to reduce the tracks to the main genre "House". I fell in love of DJ atmosphere. I became to play with music more often.
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