The magic of a Mediterranean adventure. A Balearic story that ennobles every detail and awakens the senses! 
Mediterranean Eclectic Vol.4. La Mirada Ibiza Deep Balearia of the far reaches of our galaxy, not so much deep as utterly bottomless, allowing the mind to get lost in its images.  PR 2,4 ▲      
Download: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 127
Downloads: 41
Styles: Balearic Beat, Deep House
Duration: 107:20
BPM: 104 – 126
Size: 245.7Mb
Source: CDJ
Recording: 1 June 2024
Publication: 2 June 2024 15:47
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In this mix I will try to present you something different sound that most often fills the island of Ibiza, exactly at the time of day when Happy People's, having spent with applause Sunset, under the blurred sun of Dali, namely, like melted butter on the water horizon balearia, the guests of the island sink into a deep, velvet pleasant starry night. ✨

In this new compilation you will hear, soft smooth bass, long horizons of atmospheric distances, night Sabbath of expressionistic movements, mysterious loop of deep eclectic Balearia.. all that this very thing opens mysteriously deep dreams and surreal imaginations!

I would be very happy to show you what Deep Balearia sounds like on the island.. it is a bit different from the Deep that is played in the capitals of the world and the clubs of the dispersion.. this is due to the uniqueness of the Geography.

That's why every year, people are in such a hurry to get to the island in season, to spend the day and the sun meeting the mysteriously mystical night!
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292 61:01 12 70 PR 10,1 ▲
Balearic Beat, Nu Disco
112 92:31   48 PR 3,3 ▲
Balearic Beat, Downtempo
131 71:50 9 56 PR 6,2 ▲
Balearic Beat, Downtempo
153 66:50   38 PR 2,7 ▲
Balearic Beat, Downtempo
224 182:03 2 91 PR 7,7 ▲
Balearic Beat, Nu Disco