BlogTags → jamendo

Красиво:) Это главная страница Джаменды:)))) Ololo:)))

Оригинал взят у artemdragunov в Красиво:) Это главная страница Джаменды:)))) Ololo:)))

Чувствуем себя Петрами 1..
Всех тунгусов  - с праздником. Теперь Джаменда уже не девушка:))))))

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4 July 2012 21:21
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Есть !!!!

Оригинал взят у [info]artemdragunov в Есть !!!!

 МЫ - абсолютные победители  JAMENDO AWARDS 2011  в обеих категориях - электро и инструментал !!
Спасибо всем и УРА !!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!

Time has come to reveal the results of the 2011 Jamendo Awards!

And the winners are… (drumroll)

Best Electronic Artist - Tunguska Electronic Music Society
Best Pop Artist - Josh Woodward
Best Instrumental Artist - Tunguska Electronic Music Society
Best Experimental Artist - Amity in Fame
Best World Artist - Roger Subirana Mata
Best Urban Artist - Jazz Friends
Best Rock Artist - Amity in Fame

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2011 Jamendo Awards! The winner in each category will receive a $500 USD prize.

To all the supporters of the winning artists, you did a great job! You rewarded your favorite artists by showing a great dedication to help them.

Thanks a lot to all the participating artists and everyone who voted for them - you are the life of these Awards. The commitment and support you showed are not in vain, the word has started to spread!

See you very soon on Jamendo!

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19 July 2011 21:22
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