Music / The World keeps on girl 2018
Alexei Smirnov – The World keeps on girl 44 mix  PR 21,4 ▲      
Broadcast on PromoDJ FM since 17 March 2018
Download: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 886
Downloads: 488
Bookmarks: 4
Styles: Chillout, Vocal Trance
Duration: 68:34
Size: 157.6Mb
Recording: 7 March 2018
Publication: 8 March 2018 0:00

Скучали по мне? Хочется снова погрузить Вас в "миры". Окутать прекрасным вокалом, чарующим битом. 

Милейшая блонди Ember из Швеции, как и в прошлых частях начинает. По душе ее исполнение.)

Что-то вспоминает Arielle Maren, но согласитесь, ритм подталкивает на большие победы.

Джаз, электроника, бьёт в такт ногой. Свежайший и стильный Prism от "оркестра", прямо из Лондона.

You & I, зацепило. Когда симфония настолько мелодичная и воздушная. Слов порою просто не находишь. 

Продолжим андеграундом. Уверен, что в авто с хорошими басами он "зайдёт". 

Открытие месяца. Загадочная Марина Милевска. Гипнотизирующий припев. Pharmakon...Pharmakon. В переводе с греческого "лекарство". 

Очень рекомендую изучить творчество этого продюссера. Robot Koch, это что-то своё. атмосферный Ambient и меланхолия.

Смена стиля? Да. Возможно, будет очень неожиданно. Parra For Cuva - браво! Это один из самых эксперементальных немецких треков начала года.

Lane8 уже который день звучит на повторе. Космический lead, ночное небо, путь, дорога.

Треки от Рустама Зиганшина всегда отличаются нежностью, любовью, лаской. Чувствуется большая душа. For You. Словно гладишь по руке девушку...

После того, как погладил, хочется чего-то ещё. Более близкого, интимного, открытого. Питерские минуты lounge музыки.

Спокойствие, лёгкость от Zoe Phillips. Сладкие музыкальные переливы.

Жаль, что эти парни всё меньше и меньше выпускают подобных композиций. От этого, они ценнее конечно. Above & Beyond - Always.

Признаюсь. Это были мурашки с первых нот. Очень глубоко в свои мысли, переживания.  

Гуру chill музыки Василий Дворцов. И очень талантливый парень "Доказательства Фрэнка" Стихи про кислый чай, и помощь другим.

Финал. Титры. Всем спасибо.





Pinned comment
Alexei Smirnov  8 March 2018 0:02
Missed me? I want to immerse you in "worlds" again. Cover with beautiful vocals, a charming bit.
The sweetest blondie Ember from Sweden, as in the past parts begins. I like her performance.)
Something remembers Arielle Maren, but you will agree, the rhythm pushes for great victories.
Jazz, electronics, beats in time with the foot. The freshest and stylish Prism from the "orchestra", straight from London.
You & I, hooked. When the symphony is so melodic and airy. Sometimes you just can not find words.
Let's continue underground. I'm sure that in a car with good basses, he "will come."
The opening of the month. Mysterious Marina Milevska. A hypnotizing chorus. Pharmakon ... Pharmakon. In translation from Greek, "medicine."
I highly recommend to study the creativity of this producer. Robot Koch, it's something of its own. atmospheric Ambient and melancholy.
Change of style? Yes. Perhaps, it will be very unexpected. Parra For Cuva - bravo! This is one of the most experimental German tracks of the beginning of the year.
Lane8 has a repeat day. Space lead, night sky, path, road.
Tracks from Rustam Ziganshin always differ by tenderness, love, affection. Feels great soul. For You. It's like stroking a girl's hand ...
After stroking, I want something else. More intimate, intimate, open. Petersburg music lounge minutes.
Calm, easy from Zoe Phillips. Sweet musical overflows.
It's a pity that these guys are releasing less and less of such compositions. From this, they are more valuable of course. Above & Beyond - Always.
I confess. It was goose bumps from the first notes. Very deep in my thoughts, experiences.
Guru chill music Vasily Dvortsov. And a very talented guy "Frank's Proofs" Poems about sour tea, and helping others.
The final. Captions. Thanks to all.
приятная музыка. +
Missed me? I want to immerse you in "worlds" again. Cover with beautiful vocals, a charming bit.
The sweetest blondie Ember from Sweden, as in the past parts begins. I like her performance.)
Something remembers Arielle Maren, but you will agree, the rhythm pushes for great victories.
Jazz, electronics, beats in time with the foot. The freshest and stylish Prism from the "orchestra", straight from London.
You & I, hooked. When the symphony is so melodic and airy. Sometimes you just can not find words.
Let's continue underground. I'm sure that in a car with good basses, he "will come."
The opening of the month. Mysterious Marina Milevska. A hypnotizing chorus. Pharmakon ... Pharmakon. In translation from Greek, "medicine."
I highly recommend to study the creativity of this producer. Robot Koch, it's something of its own. atmospheric Ambient and melancholy.
Change of style? Yes. Perhaps, it will be very unexpected. Parra For Cuva - bravo! This is one of the most experimental German tracks of the beginning of the year.
Lane8 has a repeat day. Space lead, night sky, path, road.
Tracks from Rustam Ziganshin always differ by tenderness, love, affection. Feels great soul. For You. It's like stroking a girl's hand ...
After stroking, I want something else. More intimate, intimate, open. Petersburg music lounge minutes.
Calm, easy from Zoe Phillips. Sweet musical overflows.
It's a pity that these guys are releasing less and less of such compositions. From this, they are more valuable of course. Above & Beyond - Always.
I confess. It was goose bumps from the first notes. Very deep in my thoughts, experiences.
Guru chill music Vasily Dvortsov. And a very talented guy "Frank's Proofs" Poems about sour tea, and helping others.
The final. Captions. Thanks to all.
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