
changing rules...

Oeaix is back
Oeaix: hi quyan? looks like you're from china?
Oeaix is afk
Quyan: yeah, i r a pearl famer on a break
AFK off.
Oeaix is back
Oeaix: why d you farm it?
Oeaix: there's no fun in farming items
[Clan OOC] Wildpets: any doc 4 sfa plz..?
Quyan: its all part of the game
Quyan: you have to farm to get your items
Oeaix: you should find a team actually - and you'll find another part of the game $)
Oeaix: can you tell is it right to write wo ye ai?
Oeaix: i saw chinese letters on some site, but not sure how is it pronounce i love you"
[Clan OOC] Wildpets: any enfo 4 behe and agent 4 fg plz..?
[Clan OOC] Andro1: any traders for a wrangler buff?
[Clan OOC] Andro1: plz :)
[Clan OOC] Andro1: yeah thats cool where u at?
Oeaix: and farming is really boring, i've farmed FRN from 1 time i get to the spot, but when i get there after, i've lost about few days found nothing and quit playing, and 5 years ago for example theree was gold ingots from all hecklers so nt was reachest ever it was when they opened shadowlands, so i can suppose that if you will try new locations you will find also some new items, just like with AI they've invented new alien stuff, so the most important was a team and sometimes your org, have a city with ai expansion was really nice and getting CPU fromSL was like a musthave
[Clan OOC] Crazycat: andro1 wru
Oeaix is afk
Quyan grins "i know, I been in AO since 04-05"
Quyan: and no i am not chinese
AFK off.
Oeaix is back
Quyan: the heck ingots was totally OP'd
Oeaix: yeah i know
Quyan: although same with s10 bounties
Quyan: and this is like my 6th toon i am taking to 220
Oeaix: well i quit playing so i don't know what is it =) now i'm trying to find my team in RL and do some stuff by myself ))
Oeaix: i had exerion till 213 and then i've lost team andjust left
No chat command or script named "exerion" available.
No chat command or script named "whois" available.
Usage: /
Oeaix: now with freelance it is probably much more fun
Quyan: always nice to have an org to help you out though
Oeaix: don't know whole rules
Oeaix: well yes i was in banda and AOTN andsome other
Quyan: both are still around
Oeaix: well we ve lost banda 220 notum playfield
Oeaix: when i was there
Quyan: nods
Oeaix: ah ok
Quyan: notum fields come and go
Oeaix: i liked the mechs because it was uniting people to do exp for others it was unique for that time
Oeaix: not sure if any other game have it
Quyan: yeh, they are useful now, not a nessessity though
Oeaix: moving society forward is really cool, i'm trying to do it now in rl
Quyan: =)
Oeaix: i'm thinking of collaborative economy =)) want to make first fabrique that will make new stuff for whole world using different country based companies, to change the economics from trade\market to support\useful\collaborative
Oeaix: actually i'm russian, don't know ho to explain it
Quyan: =)
Oeaix: on english
Quyan: well, its a nice vision, but people are greedy and selfish
Oeaix: i'm gonna change it
Oeaix: i've invented new paradigm
Oeaix: this gonna be a new app for android iphone
Oeaix: that will tie people with friend and people of some level
Oeaix: i will give em games in rl so if they do it they will take a level
Oeaix: it 's seems that the freelance system is looks like mine
Oeaix: but there will be more rules and my target is AI
Quyan: nice
Oeaix: well you can do some things for people in rl too =)) you just need to find your love and do everything to make a better world for your love
Oeaix: do what you like but do it for others - i'm sure you'll find your way
Oeaix: but it's probably will be hard - it's for you to decide
Quyan: yes true

Oeaix: how do you think are americans greedy and selfish or they will help other countries?
Quyan: they help for thier own reasons, not becauser they care
Oeaix: do you see any way to change this situation?
Quyan: no
Oeaix: i've sent a letter to our president medvedev, told him to give iran a solar power technology but there's elections now, i want to be sure that iran is not doing nuclear warfare, how do you think can americans give solar tech to iran for them to stop nuclear development?
Quyan: they wont, because iran wont stop what they are doing anyway
Oeaix: but right now they don't give any alternative they just say STOP IT or YOU GONNA DIE - it's not a dialog, if americans wants peace they have to propose something
Oeaix: this is the way i see
Quyan: but they wont
Quyan: its thier way or nothing
Oeaix: do you like my way?
Oeaix: or their way
Quyan: thing is, real world, how to change it
Oeaix: just ask your friends to retweet to obama $)
Oeaix: try it just 4 fun =))
Quyan: i am not american, and i dont use that social media
Oeaix: well then fb, if you like the idea you\ll find the way, just think alilmo


To [Odyceus]: hi, how old are you?
[Odyceus]: =D oh hai, good, how are you?
To [Odyceus]: i'm 30, i'm looking for people who wouldn't mind to change something in real life with me
[Odyceus]: change what?
To [Odyceus]: not really sure, maybe some rules
To [Odyceus]: i had a talk today already, i can post it here if you intersted, but it's about allaround
[Odyceus]: "It's also worth observing that when expectations are regularly frustrated by unanticipated changes in the rules of the game, participants stop playing the ordinary game and shift their attention to the game that matters: making the rules." - Paul Heyne
[Odyceus]: sounds like you ;p
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10 March 2012 22:43
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