vk.com/rubydungeon (ex. CA$TLE) 
ϟ▲†AN`ϟ k†ϟϟ - Ŵis℘erer ĭn the ₫arkness  PR 1,9 ▲      
Download: MP3, 380 Kbit
Listens: 65
Downloads: 35
Styles: Hardcore, Experimental
Duration: 2:23
BPM: 56
Podsafe track
Size: 6.4Mb
Recording: 24 January 2020
Publication: 26 January 2020 18:44
The track with a gloomy story that describes the universe transmitted by Lovecraft, it pushes to the most unusual thoughts, how a person knows little about the universe and its darkest secrets that stretch from century to century, and that it has indescribable horrors that will not only amaze the race human, but also possibly destroy it completely. Pure blasphemy, other worlds from which the rational mind of a sane person will not endure shock, and the author’s figure itself is covered with a veil of speculation, myths and riddles.

The track is unusual in terms of technology, because it was made on a small BMP, for atmospheric components.


Ждал характерно бочки. Но... Ритм спрятан за десторшеннойзен. Плюс чистый синтезатор забил.
Раскидать надо в микшере места частот для каждого элемента. Я например в октатреке темами кидаю их по каналам фильтров
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59 1:53   51 PR 1,3 ▲
Experimental, Witch House