Roman Delyukov
Producer, MC, Photographer, vocalist, poet, Listener
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33 5:16    42 PR1,1 ▲
56 5:02    49 PR1,2 ▲
Lort RM
Lort RM
Lort RM
Roman Nikolaevich Delyukov, who has the pseudonym Lort RM, was born on December 13, 1987 in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region of the Russian Federation. As a child, he was fond of sports, drawing, modeling from clay and plasticine, applecation, wrote fairy tales, tried to study music, but soon gave up (he was engaged in singing, played the Balalaika and Xylophone). At the same time, as a child, Roman began writing poetry and continues to do so to this day.
Education: 11th grade of Blagoveshchensk secondary school, Blagoveshchensk Technological College, specialty "Technician for repair and maintenance of computer systems and complexes".
Roman has been playing Guitar since he was 20 years old. Roman also plays a synthesizer and a little Flute. Roman writes almost all the music and lyrics to his songs himself. In addition to music and poetry, Roman is engaged in photography.
Thanks for your attention!
Roman Nikolaevich Delyukov, who has the pseudonym Lotr RM, was born on December 13, 1987 in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region of the Russian Federation. As a child, he was fond of sports, drawing, modeling from clay and plasticine, applique, wrote fairy tales, tried to study music, but soon gave up (he was engaged in singing, played the Balalaika and Xylophone). At the same time, as a child, Roman began writing poetry and continues to do so to this day.
Education: 11th grade of Blagoveshchensk secondary school, Blagoveshchensk Technological College, specialty "Technician for repair and maintenance of computer systems and complexes".
Roman has been playing guitar since he was 20. Roman also plays a synthesizer and a little Flute. Roman writes all the music and lyrics to his songs himself. In addition to music and poetry, Roman is engaged in photography.
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