Videos / PDJTV ONE
PDJTV ONE - Polina & Zemtsov  PR 9,8 ▲   
Broadcast on PromoDJ TV since 4 July 2013
Views: 1 789
Downloads: 116
Bookmarks: 5
Styles: House, Garage
Duration: 102:15
BPM: 123
Size: 1.86Gb
Recording: 27 June 2013
Publication: 28 June 2013 15:02


01. Climbers, Silky, Barber - Frozen [OFF]
02. Rafa Santos & Agger - Blow Up [Great Plan]
03. Nikitin - Take a Ride [LouLou]
04. Huxley - Lost Love [Rinse]
05. Kitt Zenga - Closed Face [Voltaire Music]
06. Emanuel Satie & ManooZ - Be Who I Be [Alive]
07. Panos & Sentenza - French 75 feat. J.Expo (Leftwing & Kody Remix) [OFF]
08. Pablo Valentino - One (Detroit Swindle Perspective) [Room With A View]
09. Supernova - Acidays [Lapsus Music]
10. Darius Syrossian & Hector Couto - House Is House [Hot Creations]
11. Electricano - Rainy Day [Spring Tube Limited]
12. Eric Kupper - Oscillations (Part 1) [Hysteria]
13. Mark Wells - Driven Me [Mother]
14. Leftwing & Kody - Lost [Exploited]
15. Jamie Antonelli - Divine (MK Remix) [Nurvous]
16. Manolo Giuliani - Space
17. Cucumbers — Come On [Highway]
18. Ejeca - Different Rules [Lokee Musik]
19. ID
20. Raffa FL - Down In My Soul [Form & Function]
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