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Music / The Airstatic's Music Podcast by The Airstatic
The Airstatic - The Airstatic's Music Podcast #54  PR 3,2 ▲      
Download: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 125
Downloads: 53
Styles: House, Progressive House
Duration: 61:23
Size: 142.2Mb
Source: laptop
Recording: 18 December 2024
Publication: 18 December 2024 16:36

Was recorded in PROGRAMIQA Radio.
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The Airstatic
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PDJ: promodj.com/theairstaticmusic
Bananastreet: bananastreet.ru/theairstatic

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Listen more
1 939 47:22 2 560 PR 23,9 ▲
House, Electro House
1 825 62:23 8 319 PR 11,8 ▲
14 686 4:51 32 1 764 PR 85,2 ▲
House, Progressive House
790 60:02   130 PR 7,8 ▲ Progressive House
1 274 73:36 1 252 PR 17,7 ▲
Progressive House, Dark Progressive