
Is cannabidiol legal or not - a few aspects of medicinal marijuana

A very interesting and also kind of sad thing happening in certain parts of the world where marijuana is seen like one of the most dangerous drugs available is that several laws are, in theory, specifying that it is legal for medicinal purposes, but in fact, you cannot find it anywhere.

In those areas where people seem to be divided into two camps, each with its own belief regarding medicinal marijuana, these laws only generate other conflicts between them. Hippies get excited that they finally get to enjoy the plant’s benefits, but very religious people sort of forebode the coming of the drugs’ Apocalypse.

Whenever political men have required more detailed information regarding whether it is legal or not, each throws the bucket and so no accurate information is provided. Also, media is not an information spreader to be trusted because certain reports showed that intrigues on this matter have many times been determined by false interpreted news.

What do people think about this matter?

Due to the fact that information can be easily spread over the Internet nowadays, it seems that even a significant number of people living in the areas earlier mentioned getting to be fully aware of the medicinal marijuana’s effects. While these people and most researchers firmly believe that legalizing marijuana in these areas would greatly change the present state of how things are going on there, both socially and politically, there still are certain categories who see this legalizing matter as something completely unnecessary and worrying as well.

When asked if they know the difference between medicinal marijuana and that consumed for satisfying pleasure, the majority of the respondents were quite aware of the fact that there is a difference in the quantity you are allowed to consume, which is good to know about. This means that there is a sort of awareness regarding the matter, but what to do with people who totally and completely reject the idea?

Several specialists talk about the educational levels which are considered to be the number one reason for ignorance and the level of open-mindless. The idea is that, as most researchers state, medicinal marijuana does not stand for the plant itself, but for certain compounds, such as THC or CBD, two of the most important active ingredients. When referring specifically to plants, medicinal marijuana is cropped in strictly controlled environments and those products allowed on the market are carefully controlled in terms of bearing in mind the amounts of active ingredients found in them.

What are the long-term effects of marijuana consumption?

At this question, people coming from different categories have, of course, answered differently. Those in favor of legalizing marijuana in those states we mentioned in the beginning, clearly state that it all depends on the individual’s present psychological state. Artists are thought to use marijuana as an inspiration source and skinny people praise the effects because it gives them that “munchies” sensation, when you feel like eating everything you find in the kitchen.

Those who reject the idea that it would be a good thing to legalize marijuana in those areas believe that once you start regularly consuming it, you have already passed a certain psychological level and so you are bound to try also other more powerful drugs, like heroine. In other words, they believe that the regular consumption of marijuana opens the path to heroin consumption.

But what does science have to say about this? Well, researchers talk about two different types of psychoactive marijuana, India and sativa. The first is believed to have sedative and meditative effects, while the second leads to euphoric and “high” states. Also, it is believed that India can determine the increment of appetite, but it can very well lead to anxiety and paranoia crisis.

Also, researchers say that there are hybrid variations of this plant, the consumption of which leads to combined effects. No matter the type of marijuana you have, there are several effects to be beard in mind, like distortions in time perception, tachycardia, short-term memory loss and losing the locomotive coordination.

Is there a marijuana consumer stereotype?

People, especially coming from those areas where marijuana is seen as a dangerous drug, have the tendency to see only junkies and losers as the number one fans of marijuana consumption. It is believed that young people are the most willing to try it because they need adventure, adrenaline and by turning to marijuana, it means they are doing something illegal, in those areas where it is not very clear why this plant is not legal yet.

In fact, there were mentioned, over time, many personalities who have consumed marijuana and their work was not affected at all. Moreover, it seems, from what they stated, that it kind of helped them to stay more focused on their tasks.  So do not judge it before you haven’t learned about it!

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31 May 2017 1:43
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