Listens: 4 599 Downloads: 579 Bookmarks: 1 Styles:Eurodance, Slap House Contest:ANDRS RADIO — I am Radio #1 Duration: 2:27 BPM: 128 Mastered Size: 5.6Mb Publication: 1 October 2023 11:30
Ещё раз благодарим вас за ваш вариант! Создайте 2-4 дополнительных ремикса, чтобы увеличить шансы на победу. Результаты будут объявлены 12.12.2023. Удачи! ))
Thank you once again for your submission! Create 2-4 additional remixes to increase your chances of winning. The results will be announced on 12/12/2023. Good luck! ))
Pinned comment
Very cool from 22 to 59 seconds, strong bass! Let's take note of the remix!
Ожидаемо не выиграл. Не попадаю в тренд :)
Your remix has been listened to, expect the results on 12.12.2023!
Thank you! I'm waiting!!!
Thank you once again for your submission! Create 2-4 additional remixes to increase your chances of winning. The results will be announced on 12/12/2023. Good luck! ))
Very cool from 22 to 59 seconds, strong bass! Let's take note of the remix!
Thanks a lot!!!
This bass returns at 1:44 and plays till the end!