Music / Preparing my Promo Album
John Klime - Red hot  PR 2,9 ▲      
Download: MP3, 557 Kbit
Listens: 388
Downloads: 71
Styles: New Beat, New Age
Duration: 2:41
BPM: 89
Key: Am
Mastered, signed
Podsafe track
Size: 10.6Mb
Recording: 4 February 2018
Publication: 7 February 2018 13:53

... Anyhow and sometimes, you have been experience such feelings, which are capturing you completely and covering with storm of emotions, inspiration, mystery and passion ... I'm pretty sure that it was something like that. So, I present you the composition called "Red Hot". Listen, enjoy, comment, share! Thank you very much for being with me, my friends!

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155 2:42   49 PR 1,2 ▲
New Age, Deep House