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LTJ IceBerg - the river of time  PR 1,4 ▲      
Download: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 64
Downloads: 55
Styles: Uplifting Trance, Trance
Duration: 26:04
BPM: 137 – 138
Size: 59.6Mb
Source: Traktor Scratch
Recording: 1 August 2017
Publication: 2 August 2017 23:12
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382 120:36 4 50 PR 3,5 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
2 109 130:22 3 378 PR 16,2 ▲
Trance, Progressive Trance
1 889 4:22 33 274 PR 22,6 ▲ Trance, Progressive Trance