Deep Sax (royalty free Music Watermark)  PR 1 ▲      
Download: MP3, 128 Kbit
Listens: 75
Downloads: 4
Styles: Ambient, Downtempo
Duration: 5:11
Size: 4.9Mb
Publication: 15 March 2015 16:52

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track for a background, for gray gloomy, thoughtful, night scenes, for a cinema and videoclips. Dynamic scenes, dream sax, atmosphere of huge space, ocean, night city, loneliness, concentration, and moment culmination...

in a track there are many synthesizers, a rhythm of the muffled electric guitar, a saxophone at deep space, a break bit the drummer, piano, and it is a lot of spatial synthetic parties

deep, ambient, cinema, cinematic, sax, piano, guitar, space, night, dark, electronic, dream, abstract, soundtrack, beat, drama, thoughtful, rain, energetic, atmospheric, bass, loneliness, technologies, tech, planet, global, sure, industrial, future,

глубокий, эмбиент, кинематографический, cinematic, sax, piano, guitar, космос, ночь, dark, electronic, dream, абстрактный, soundtrack, beat, drama, задумчивый, дождь, energetic, атмосферный, bass, одиночество, технологии, tech, планета, глобальный, уверенный, индустриальный, будущее,

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