There are a lot of good music in the world, in my opinion the most beautiful music is trance. The CHERRY SKY project is not just a radio show, it's a way to bring to the whole world the whole atmosphere and the depth of trance transitions and the magic vocals of the far away! 
VLAD CHERRY - CHERRY SKY Cloud #27 guest mix Alex BELIEVE  PR 4,2 ▲      
Download: MP3, 320 Kbit
Listens: 144
Downloads: 59
Styles: Trance, Progressive Trance
Duration: 57:47
BPM: 133 – 138
Size: 133.1Mb
Recording: 23 January 2018
Publication: 23 January 2018 20:36

Was recorded in Music In Paradise.
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Встречайте первый гостевой микс в рамках Шоу Cherry Sky и его автора, резидента Радио Record - Alex Believe! В эфире я задам ему несколько вопросов. Слушаем и получаем заряд позитивной энергии.

Meet the first guest mix in the Cherry Sky Show and its author, Radio Record resident - Alex Believe! On the air, I'll ask him a few questions. We listen and receive a charge of positive energy.

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3 993 3:30 11 913 PR 41,9 ▲
Trance, House
1 413 124:29   257 PR 10,5 ▲
Progressive Trance, Vocal Trance
865 61:02   151 PR 8,1 ▲
Progressive House, Trance
336 59:17 1 275 PR 11,8 ▲
Progressive Trance