Listens: 552 Downloads: 414 Styles:House, Club House Duration: 60:09 BPM: 127 Size: 138.5Mb Source: Ableton Recording: 16 July 2021 Publication: 17 July 2021 1:07
Was recorded in Laguna Beach, California.
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#1 Workout Music Podcast in the United States.
An hour-long nonstop harmonic megamix with more than a hundred tracks proven to get better results with 127 bpm.
And this is not just regular boring workout tracks from fitness playlists, but huge dance hits from all over the world that demonstrated to cheer up any audiences aged between 12-45 years old and to inspire listeners while they doing different fitness activities: mostly jogging, hiking, running, stretching, especially cycling, power walking and the other sports.