Guest: McDonald's (Moscow), Му-му (Moscow), Московский метрополитен (Moscow), Грайвороновская 20 (Moscow), Саратовская 5с1 (Moscow), Фонвизина 10а (Moscow), Paralyzed Records (Buzuluk), Улица Интернациональная 16б (Ryazan)
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Останкино, Moscow, 00:00 // 23 July 2022
Alternative Rock
Останкино, Moscow, 00:00 // 24 November 2020
Alternative Rock
Останкино, Moscow, 00:00 // 9 October 2020
08.02.2016 – ... 

forget you, forgive you


113 0:17    38 PR1 ▲
Experimental, Classical Crossover


63 0:30    37 PR1,7 ▲
Progressive House
65 0:48    57 PR1,4 ▲

Speed Demon (single)

Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?


41 0:16    62 PR1,6 ▲
Hard Rock

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4 September 2020 0:41
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Hello, people of both genders. My name is Maxim Roenko and I wanna introduce my only loved music band that I found in my life. This band had way like AC/DC, I mean I was only member whom wasn't leave this music band for all it's story. Yes, thx for 4 remind, people of both genders! I found band in my 16 y.o
What is my music band? My music band is mix of music genres with mix of ideas, but thought is one: concept for all releases: songs or albums.
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