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20080822 LIFE Lepste LATVIA
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22-23-24 . 08. 2008
LIFE // Digital Nature 3 years anniversary
Latvia, Lepste

Let's celebrate Life, full of Worlds and Wonders.
more info:


* Ambisense / Digital Nature.LV
* Anavox / Digital Nature.LV
* Anny Key / Forest Freaquency.LT
* Atman / Swamp Tales. LT
* Coockie Monster / Forest Freaquency.LT
* Different Twins / LT
* Eklektik Fluidum / Basstillbeat.CZ
* FutuRama / Media Vision.LV
* Ilium /Sacred Forms.LV
* Magic Fungus / Swamp Tales.LT
* Psyairy Tale / Forest Freaquency.LT
* Relict / LV
* Xynus / LT
* Yury Chernenco & Maxim de Maxim.LV
* Ziog / Swamp Tales.LT
* + guest djs
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