May the moon bless everyone who supports me! 
Music / (Six Years In Hell - 2023 Part III)
16. Esu - Torquay 1905  PR 88,6 ▲    
Format: MP3, 257 Kbit
Listens: 1 454
Downloads: 165
Bookmarks: 9
Styles: Eurodance
Duration: 4:50
Size: 8.9Mb
Recording: 7 March 2023
Publication: 7 March 2023 13:40

Here's my 16th track from my "Six Years In Hell" album. If you like it be sure to listen to the other album tracks. Wishing good luck to all of you out there!

The lyrics:

Oh, Torquay nineteen zero five,
Cradle of dreams of my new life
A taste of freedom from the start
You’ll stay forever in my heart

Oh, Torquay nineteen zero five
My last goodbye to mortal life
A town of pleasure and the pain
I dream to see you once again


Pinned comments
Hlafsfed  23 March 2023 8:10
Кать на -на -на! очень круто звучит! +
ALIEN  18 March 2023 17:41
I really liked your novelty, Katie!) Such an inspirational theme, there is something so nostalgic in it, and it’s not even a matter of style, it’s just like there is some kind of sadness in it, despite the perky arrangement!) In general, Eurodance rules!)) Excellent! Good luck!)+++++
atanov cosperiva  16 March 2023 22:08
Музыка классная )
DJ Lerik  16 March 2023 21:38
Кети это просто шикарно!!! Eurodance мой любимый стиль просто я сам из 90х
Моя поддержка +++ PS . А будут Hillout версии ?
Kety Kes  10 March 2023 23:48
Hi my Dear! Great intro!!! Cool beat!! I love synth!! super vocals :) i ADORE
Guido's Lounge Cafe  11 March 2023 0:38
Well done Esu, you are the best :)
Have a good weekend :)
Olejo  9 March 2023 22:29
хороший трек! герои 1905 с тобой! Esu -моя муза
Ctrl+F5  9 March 2023 12:59
The music comes as my huge appreciation. It takes me and my imagination to period when I was young, powerful and happy.
But you should pay more attention to the vocal. Good luck!
DJ Cry  8 March 2023 18:37
This song sounds so powerful and melodic!! Also I like lyrics of the song!! Great job, Kate!! :)
Happy Women's Day!! :)
Techneck  8 March 2023 16:49
very good Katie, must have been 6 awefull years though , my support for every year :-)
DJ Non Rex  8 March 2023 15:19
Great job! ++++
Happy holiday! I wish you a lot of warmth, love and happiness!
Dj Polkovnik  7 March 2023 23:16
Энергично и пространственно!
ExclUsive™  7 March 2023 14:22
Great job, Katie!!! From the heart!!!+++++
+pr, сразу вспомнилось что-то из 90-х )))
Вот это дала очень крутой коврик пушка молодец ???!++++++
Круто, Кейтик!!! :)))
Thank you!
Интересная задумка из которой получился интересный трек!) Звучит аутентично, а главное душевно!)
Однозначно круто! Моя поддержка +++
Excellent job Esu))+++
Thank you!
Gratefully !
Thank you!
It's nice to listen +++
классная тема
Thank you!=)
Nice for dancing! Hot song about heroes of the past! +++
Thank you!=)
Кать на -на -на! очень круто звучит! +
Thank you, my dear Hlafsfed! Katja is pleased with you!
Feel the power of a true neural network master!=)
I really liked your novelty, Katie!) Such an inspirational theme, there is something so nostalgic in it, and it’s not even a matter of style, it’s just like there is some kind of sadness in it, despite the perky arrangement!) In general, Eurodance rules!)) Excellent! Good luck!)+++++
Thank you, Igor! It is nostalgic. Thou it's a strange nostalgia... Good luck!
It sounds very nice! Especially "na-na-na") Reshpect and support! + + + + +
Thank you, Medved! ♥︎♥︎♥︎ I know everybody likes my stupid sister singing betterr than me. So it's ok.
Beautiful track, Kate, real Eurodance sound!+++
Thank you!♥︎♥︎♥︎
Великолепная работа ...очень наполненная и необычная !! Ты талантливый человечек и плюс ко всему - красивая девушка ...( А так бывает редко...)) )
Thank you, Mr. Somoff, but i'm just what i am=)
Музыка классная )
Omg! And what are you doing here today, Kostja?? If you're looking for tracks without bass than scroll down the main page and check out my "Blue Blooded Sisters". No bass there at all!
Кети это просто шикарно!!! Eurodance мой любимый стиль просто я сам из 90х
Моя поддержка +++ PS . А будут Hillout версии ?
Thank you, Valerii! I have many favourite styles actually but it has always been easy for me composing eurodance tunes=) I don't know what a "Hillout" version means but in the process of arranging i changed detune lead to a piano and... here's what happened…

I liked the way it sounded and thought like playing this melody on my synth someday and making an instrumental track out of it!
Кети делай то что тебе нравится)) и не останавливайся на достигнутом, евроденс это круто !!!
There's a lot of beautiful music in many genres. Not just eurodance. Eurobeat, Italo disco, rock, blues, metal and pop and so on. For me a beautiful music means a beautiful melody. Music cannot be beautiful without a beautiful melody that touches your heart and soul deeply.
Thank you, Pasha!
Very COOL+++++
Thank you!=)
Будто пьяная тетка поет в караоке под музыку 80-х
That's a real deeply insightful analysis! Bravo, Steve!=)
Спасибо. Рад был профессиональной оценке моего профессионального мнения на этом профессиональном портале
You must have got bored like hell from russian-speaking boys if you started spreading your professionalism to ukrainian girls. Hope you're not aiming to become an international proffesionalism messiah. Coz the world wiil not withstand such an enormous amount of professionalism.
Я вообще больше по уткам и джазу, просто попалась под профессиональную руку
I wanted to say "professional trolling" at first but didnt want to hurt your feelings. After all you're a good boy, Steve. Considering you organized that contest among 14 people and that means you love charity like giving away 10 000 rubles to hitmakers like Cosperiva or Falcon cheating with votes again.
я настолько профессиональный профессионал, что у меня все учтено
а там нельзя будет голоса накрутить, голосование открытое, среди участников
And what about a collusion? What if (as an example) Cosperiva promises to please me if i give him my vote?
Утка Стив - это гарантия качества, серьезный профессиональный бренд, вокруг которого собираются одни профессионалы. Я проведу профессиональный конкурс и вручу приз одному из профессионалов своими профессиональными руками. Если мне что-то не понравится, я могу потратить деньги на шлюх
I dont believe advertising statements, Steve. All advertising is based on some kind of lies. So far i've heard your professionalism only as an announcer in Usach audio novels. You're a good announcer that is true but personally i like Chill's voice more...
Great track!Excellent arrangement!Thank you for your efforts)!+
Thank you!
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