
TECH DNM - Ruins (2trancY Euphoric / Big Room Mixes)

Уже в продаже сингл с участием сразу 2х наших ремиксов, 2trancY Euphoric Mix аплифтовый транс ремикс и 2trancY Big Room Mix проглифтовый ремикс на проект TECH DNM и их трэк Ruins


Ben Nicky - The Ben Nicky Podcast 033

Poshout - November 2011 Promo Mix

M.PRAVDA - Live In Motion 071

DJ Anna Lee - Club Styles 060

Karybde & Scylla - Pure Trance Pleasure 126

Karybde & Scylla - Pure Trance Pleasure 127

Aeriah - Sinopsis Mix 001

Ozzy Xpm - Night Flight 027

Ozzy Xpm - Harmonic Illustration 036

1Touch, Akira Kayosa, Angel Ace, Anna Lee, Ben Nicky, Diana Bauer (Elliptical Recordings), EDU, Elite Electronic, Flash Brothers, Giuseppe Ottaviani, Gosh (Kanov), Kaeno, Karybde & Scylla, LRCN, M.PRAVDA, Manuel Le Saux, Mark Arbor, Matt Bukovski, NanoCore / Radio Basslover, Neil Moore, Ozzy Xpm, Paul Pearson, Phillipo Blake, Poshout, Robert Gitelman, Simon Bostock, Sunsvision, Suzy Solar, Tempo Giusto, Tezija & Keyra, Ultimate, Wandii, DJ Andrey Balkonsky, N&R Project, Pragmatica Project

Above & Beyond - "downloading for a&b"
1Touch - "Nice drumbeat in original :) My choice - 2trancY Big Room Mix"
Kaeno - "Serious Releases coming from Quadrocore! - TECH DNM - Ruins (2trancY Euphoric Mix)"
Elite Electronic - "Both mixes from 2trancY is great!"
Johan Nilson (DI.FM) - "Not quite what I'm looking for atm I'm afraid"
Ultimate - "Thanks!"
EDU - "Thanks."
Ozzy Xpm - "I prefer the both mixes from 2trancY, but my fav is the Euphonic Mix Full Support!"
Karybde & Scylla - "Massive ! Full Support !"
Phillipo Blake - "A good modern trance!"
Jurrane (Sly One vs Jurrane) - "Not quite for us but thanks for sending!"
M.PRAVDA - "Will try Big Room Remix. Thanx."
NanoCore / Radio Basslover - "Nice EP with two good remixes by 2trancY. Download, support and thank you by NanoCore / RBL"
Paul Pearson - "Epic tune!"
Anna Lee - "SUPPORT!!! ;) cool sound!"
Gosh (Kanov) - "Really like Original! 2trancY Big Room Mix nice too. Thanks!"
Wandii - "Will give the original a try.. Thanx!"
Diana Bauer (Elliptical Recordings) - "Oh yeah!! Thats what I'm talkin' about!! WOOT!! ^.^"
Mark Arbor - "TECH DNM - Ruins (2trancY Euphoric Mix) - reminds me of both my first tracks as well as dereck recay's tunes. Nice one. regards, Mark"
Pragmatica Project - "Nice package."
Tezija & Keyra - "Thanks"
LRCN - "Solid all around, but I prefer the Original. Full support!"
DJ Andrey Balkonsky - "Original Mix - the best! Nice sounds!!!"
Flash Brothers - "Nice original"
tyDi - "a bit too trancey

TECH DNM - Ruins (2trancY Euphoric Mix)
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26 November 2011 17:29


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