PERFORMER "Anton Veter" TITLE "Anton Veter - One day at the cafe Alarm Clock! #001 [Live on June 16, 2013]" REM generated by PromoDJ for FILE "Anton Veter - One day at the cafe Alarm Clock! #001 [Live on June 16, 2013] (" MP3 TRACK 01 AUDIO PERFORMER "First hour" TITLE "Main mix in the program Infinite Universe #001" INDEX 01 0:00:00 TRACK 02 AUDIO PERFORMER "Second hour" TITLE "Main mix in the program Infinite Universe #003" INDEX 01 60:05:00 TRACK 03 AUDIO PERFORMER "Third hour" TITLE "New life! New music! New feelings! #003" INDEX 01 117:52:00 TRACK 04 AUDIO PERFORMER "Bonus tracks." TITLE "Bonus tracks." INDEX 01 171:30:00